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To start the booking process fill in the form below

Do you have any of these nail related issues?

By submitting below, you attest that you have provided accurate and current information on this form and answered all medical and health-related questions truthfully and completely. Your submission also certifies that you understand that the above-named salon reserves the right to deny service to any client due to a health condition he or she has that may pose a potential risk to practitioners or other clients, including those that pose a risk of potential contamination to service areas. Furthermore, submitting below verifies that you understand that you are responsible for informing the above-named salon or its manicure and pedicure technicians of ANY and ALL changes to your health condition as regards any question on this form or any potential public health risk that may arise from any change in your health condition. You acknowledge and accept that withholding information or providing misinformation may result in contraindications or irritation to the nails and skin from treatments received. The treatments you receive here are voluntary and you release this nail care professional and the above-named salon liability and you assume full responsibility thereof.

Thanks for submitting!

By submitting below, you attest that you have provided accurate and current information on this form and answered all medical and health-related questions truthfully and completely. Your submission also certifies that you understand that the above-named salon reserves the right to deny service to any client due to a health condition he or she has that may pose a potential risk to practitioners or other clients, including those that pose a risk of potential contamination to service areas. Furthermore, submitting below verifies that you understand that you are responsible for informing the above-named salon or its manicure and pedicure technicians of ANY and ALL changes to your health condition as regards any question on this form or any potential public health risk that may arise from any change in your health condition. You acknowledge and accept that withholding information or providing misinformation may result in contraindications or irritation to the nails and skin from treatments received. The treatments you receive here are voluntary and you release this nail care professional and the above-named salon liability and you assume full responsibility thereof.

Thanks for submitting!

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